Monday, 8 June 2015

A Face in the Fifth Avenue..!

During the early days of the Fifth Avenue , in the slow progression of time,I met with a face of a tribal man who belonged to the Eastern hills of the land . It was dark as the raining clouds and dense as the thick forest in the night..,the eyes were burning like the torches in that night forest and the lips were pulsing with thirst..;
This was the characteristic facial features of the man of the hills as depicted in the classical performing art form of Southern India in its dance drama,Kathakali.
I have made this line-drawing out of the 'Paint Brush' option in my PC in 2005.
face of the man of the hills ( a line-drawing rendering in Paint-Brush )


  1. His eyes possess a thousand tongue..
    and lip shines like ruby..
    So many nuts are to be cracked..

    1. Balu, your tongue posses thousand eyes..!

    2. There you can see the ocean of silence.. that is wider and deeper..

    3. wonderful, wonderful and again wonderful sea of silence and solace...of depth and width, of huge seaweeds and salmons......!

    4. Our conversations can be read on the face of this eastern hill tribal man, whom you had met at the beginning of your magnificent Fifth avenue.. Sir am I correct..?

    5. Yes, the face speaks out first,,!
